What's new in Unaty

Monday, May 16, 2022
✏️ Edit Messages

Now make changes to any of your send messages, drag and drop content blocks, and choose from more rich formatting options now like blockquotes, headers in 3 sizes, and lists.


  • Improved add link flow within the composer including auto url prefixing
  • Unaty does a better job parsing email content to remove styles from Outlook
  • Images are automatically resized now in the composer to optimize performance and give thumbnails
  • Better copy/paste support for the composer of rich text content
Monday, May 9, 2022
Mailing List Health Checks

We’re making some behind the scenes stability improvements right now to ensure emails are properly synced to group mailing lists, updating delivery stats for messages sent to each email list and adding a new webhook for group member changes (adding and removing).


Improved styles of image captions, blockquotes, and text Small directory fixes for group filters not being displayed while editing and content overflows with multiple filters activated

Monday, May 2, 2022
🌟 Group Invite & Data Quality Suggestions


If you moderate a Group, you’ll now see suggestions to send an invite to members who have not yet been invited, resend invites who have been invited but never logged in, or ask the group for contact information for members without a phone or email.

Group Stats

Group moderators can now changes to group membership at a glance with member changes over 30 days, the number of users that have logged in, and how many have their profile up-to-date. Each of these is also linked directly to a group directory custom view.


Now you can drag and drop blocks while writing direct and group messages Selecting a series for a message is now, and links are also shown properly on messages displayed on the web app


Move files within the Group Drive Improved message delivery stats Improved display of messages in the feed

Monday, April 25, 2022
👋 Public Group Pages

Screenshot Choose to have your group page displayed on your Community public profile so potential members can learn about the Community and see if any of the groups would be relevant to them. For instance, someone living in New York would be interested to see that your organization has a New York Hub that they could directly reach out to.

Group Visibility

It’s now easier than ever to control who can access your group's content and even see if it exists in the community if they’re not a member of the group. Moderators can also choose to display a group on the leaders page and toggle on or off a public profile page for the group.


Minor Changes

Group Moderators: now click Apply to accept suggestions and drag-n-drop to reorder moderators within a group. Community admins can now set the default directory view seen by all members to whatever best fits their community Confirmation modal has been added when deleting a group View member type counts within group rules


Group moderators will already see a Shareable Group Join Link under their quick actions, next week people will be able to directly apply to join the community through the group with moderators able to approve. Move files and folders within group drives.

Sunday, April 17, 2022
🌟 Moderator Suggestions

Learning how your community works with groups and moderators, Unaty will now suggest actions to you directly to create roles for a group, assign members to those roles, and even adjust the display order.


So if you’re the leader of the New York Hub with 50 members and other similar groups in London and Paris have an Ambassador and Co-Ambassador role, Unaty will suggest you create those and who they should be assigned to. If those roles were already created, it can find those too and suggest you add them. It’ll also suggest you remove duplicates and update the display order on the leaders page for example so that the Ambassador is listed first followed by the Co-Ambassadors.

Moderator access being given to roles instead of members directly means that as soon as someone else is assigned to the role of New York Hub ambassador for example, they automatically have all the right access and permissions.

Directory Updates

Now search and select many members, then send them an email, export them as a csv, or even add them all to a group. Also you can resize and rearrange columns, toggle more attributes for members and easily switch between gallery and list layouts.

Minor Changes

Customize role display order in groups and on the leaders page Set a color for Member Types, which can help differentiate these in the directory

Sunday, April 10, 2022
💡 Group & Member Activity
  • New: get updates when members update their email, phone number, move, log in for the first time and more.
  • These updates can be viewed on a members profile or within any group that member belongs to.


Custom App Colors

Community admins can now select a topbar and accent color to personalize their space.

Custom email header images

For rich emails that are sent to groups or as direct messages, choose to replace the default header with a custom image.

Member Detail Preview

Clicking on members in the directory now opens a small detail overlay on the right side of the screen.

Minor Changes

  • Customize in which order teams appear on the Leaders page
  • Advanced filtering for number custom fields, now supporting >, <, and in between queries
  • Quick Link to the Admin Area in the top right sidebar
Sunday, April 3, 2022
✉️ Direct and Group Messages
  • New: Send direct messages via email to members as if you had an email app synced to your community member and role database
  • Set members or roles (like President) in CC, use merge tags to personalize your message, send attachments, images, and much more
  • Send messages to Groups as well about news or upcoming events, customize the reply-to and from emails
  • Get a live preview in split screen mode as your typing and send preview emails to yourself before a message goes out


Membership Cards - Find your very own community membership card on the home screen then tab through to see if your profile is up to date or if you need to update anything.


Minor Changes

  • View more custom field and social field properties like website now in the directory by toggling on those attributes

  • New infinite scroll on feed and groups pages

  • Improved community search to find members, actions, and content more quickly

Sunday, March 27, 2022
✨ Directory Improvements
  • Advanced filtering now available for all custom fields* and social profiles. Now combine filters with AND/OR and filter for empty (or not) fields.
  • Gallery view now available in every group directory
  • Customize your view and which fields appear in which order
  • Multi-sort by text and date/time fields
  • Actions like send message, data check, community invite or export members to csv now available in the group and main directory


* Note: excluding Mentees and Address

Introducing Profile Highlights - Look at other members' profiles to discover what you have in common, like interests, shared past leadership roles, where you live, and more.

Admin Member Data Toolkit - Admins can now use the Duplicate finder tool in the Admin Area under “Data Toolkit” to automatically identify and remediate potential duplicate member profiles within the community.

Minor Changes

  • Admins can now change members account emails even if they’ve already logged in
  • It’s mostly a naming thing, but we’ve switched to calling member accounts deactivated instead of archived
  • Give us product feedback anytime by clicking on the lightbulb at the top right of the menu
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Native Profile Social Fields

Screenshot Choose from 9 social profile fields for members to connect their other accounts now including Twitter, Eth Address, Instagram, Github, Reddit, and Discord. Show or hide any of these from members’ profiles and mark important fields as required so members can fill them out easier.

Better Group Member Management

Screenshot View, search for, and manage group members in one place by clicking on the member screenshots in the top right corner of the group profile.

Live Members Validated

Screenshot When adding members, Unaty will check their emails and names in case that member may already be in the community.

Custom Interests

Now create and share custom interests with the rest of your community.


  • Fixed phone number bug affecting some Spanish numbers
  • Choose to have your timezone set automatically
  • Modal focus fixes so clicking “esc” doesn’t close all open modals
Sunday, March 13, 2022
App Design & Layout Updates

Screenshot Spring is right around the corner and we’re getting a jump start on our spring cleaning with some layout updates meant to simplify and streamline the way leaders and members to Unaty. The left sidebar now only has 5 main items: 1) Home for your personalized feed of messages and activity from the community. 2) The Explore page where you can discover members in the Directory, new Groups, shared Interests, and the Birthdays calendar. 3) The leaders page shows you the leaders of the community and who’s doing what. 4) Your profile where you can manage your personal data and interests. 5) My Groups where you can see all the groups you’re in and moderate.

We’ve also simplified the layout of the Group page, putting everything you need on one view to engage with and manage your group. If you have any thoughts or feedback, drop us a note hey@getunaty.com.

Group Quick Actions

Moderators of groups now have a quick actions on the right sidebar to invite all members who have not yet logged in, view the group directory, export a list of group members, or add new members.


Listen for events on your Unaty account so your integration can automatically trigger reactions. Webhooks are particularly useful for asynchronous events like when a member joins your community, a member changes their email, or a role assignee changes.


  • Pinboard is now always visible for roles and groups - also adding a pin is working properly again.
  • All members are now exported from larger communities including all custom fields
  • Fixed the display of twitter and facebook social fields
  • Added a field for “Occupation” for members

Next week

Custom Social Fields & Duplicate Member Handling

Thank you to everyone giving feedback and using Unaty to manage their groups and community.

Sunday, March 6, 2022
Group Preferences


Group Preferences

One popup to manage all your groups’ info, moderators, access, pinboard, and power-ups. NEW - Simple access management for creating and accessing content in your group.


Quickly pin links to a group, role, or the home screen with the “+ Add” button on the pinboard. Also now you can edit pins!


Unaty now has a Community API available! Every Community can now get information live about their Community, Members, Roles, and Groups. If you’re interested in access, reach out to hey@getunaty.com for your secret keys and documentation.


  • Member Timezones are now included in CSV exports
  • Home Screen Welcome Card fields now include placeholders
  • “Logged in after a year” activity was fixed to reflect the months since a member last logged in

Next Week

  • Duplicate Member handling
  • Create custom interests
  • Webhooks
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Improved Email Deliverability

To ensure every email is delivered we’re moved Unaty email sending to a dedicated IP which will improve delivery across all your emails, especially to those with German email addresses like t-online.de, gmx.de, and web.de.

Bugs and Minor Improvements

  • Setting the address profile field visibility to City/Country or Hidden now adjusts the Home Screen Welcome Card
  • Invites from the main member directory can now be customized
  • Unassigned roles on the leaders page are sorted alphabetically

Next Week

  • Expect an overhaul of group settings and simplified permissions to manage who can use the group drive, post, edit the pinboard, and more.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Member Data Suggestions


Data Suggestions

Members with access to edit profiles in the community will now see suggestions next to members' names in the group directory to fix and improve a members profiles. Autocomplete an address, auto-format a phone number, and more with Unaty's suggestions to improve profile data.

Member Cards

See profile previews of a members email, phone number, and handle when hovering over a member starting on the Leaders screen.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Notion links are now supported on the pinboard
  • Save draft policies before publishing them
  • Add your member signature with email, roles, and phone number to emails & posts
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Multi Role Creation & Mobile Drive


Create Multiple Roles

Click New Role on the Leaders page and add as many roles as you need now instead of one at a time.

Mobile Drive

Now optimized for mobile - navigate folder structures, view and download shared files right on your phone.

Monday, December 13, 2021
Leaders Page


New Leaders Page

See the teams and roles important to the structure of your Community neatly arranged and get an overview of who's doing what.

Improved Exports

Member names in Mentor & Mentee fields as well as select custom field export are now properly formatted.

Better Text Search

You should see better results now when searching in the "Jump to" bar on the left sidebar with full text search results now being surfaced.

Sunday, November 28, 2021
Location & Profile Field Visibility Customization


Member Location

Members can now set a location distinct from their city and country in their address. Some locations like New York and London have special emojis displayed - can you guess them all?

City & Country Profile Fields

Community admins can now choose to display only the city and country for members' profiles instead of a full address.

Thursday, October 21, 2021
Email Summaries & Data Checks

Email Send Summary

After sending an email through Unaty or a mailing list, you'll receive a summary email 30 min later with details on who received the email and who may not have.

Data Checks

Send a personalized email with members' data for them to verify if their profile is or is not up-to-date - then get notified if they update their profile.

Thursday, September 9, 2021
Delegated Access


Delegated Access

Permissions shouldn't be complicated. To make them easier we created delegated access - now instead of giving members permissions you can give them to groups, teams, individual or all roles, or admins. Adding and updating members as well as Segments is supported for now.


Leaders can now directly email all members of a group without this appearing as a post in the feed. See afterwards how many people got your email.

Email Attachments & Images

Attachments sent per email are automatically collected and uploaded to your group drive. Images are collected and pinned to your group.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Group Directory Views


Group Directory Views

Groups are getting a facelift! In addition to a new streamlined layout, group directories now support multiple views for moderators and admins, showing recently active users, all group members, and those in need of a data quality check.

Sunday, July 25, 2021
Quick Search, Starring, Favicons, Background Patterns

Quick Search

Unaty’s search just got 100x better - press cmd + k anywhere in the app then start typing to see rich results of members, groups, and other data - as well as quick links to pages, features, and actions across the app - like "Import Members".


To make it easier for everyone to quickly find the links and pages they care about most, you can now star any group or directory view which will pin this link to your sidebar for quick access.


Community logos and group emojis will now be updated if set across your whole community.

Background Patterns

When selecting a cover photo, you’ll notice a new "Pattern" tab where you can choose from 25 different patterns and select 2 colors to create a custom beautiful background in seconds.

We also designed a new custom icon set for Unaty you’ll notice when browsing through the app - we hope you like it!

Sunday, July 11, 2021
Member Import, Onboarding and Segments

Import Members

Now you can create or update up to 5k members at once from a CSV and create members from just an email address. Unaty’s new smart import column matching makes importing a breeze and live data preview and editing lets you correct any mistakes before importing.

Member Onboarding

Members now go through a 3 step onboarding when entering your community for the first time and are asked to complete their profile and add their interests.


Filter members based on their attributes into segments which are always-up-date when members change their data, then use those segments in Groups to automatically make sure the right members are in the right groups.

Minor Enhancements

  • New "Checkbox" custom field type with full import / export support
  • New Phone Number selector with automatic country detection and formatting
  • Support for SVG logo uploads
Monday, June 28, 2021
Community Designer, Phone Social Apps, Join Date, and more!


We’ve been working hard recently to improve the community onboarding process and are excited to announce the release of the Community Designer for Member Profiles - now Admins can simple drag and drop new custom fields and make certain sections visible or hidden to other members and make sure their profile is perfect for their community.

This update also includes support for admins only and hidden profile sections and a new "Country" custom field type.

Membership Cards

In the designer, Admins can also customize the look of the community membership card and add a custom color or background image.

Join Date

Instead of having to add a custom field for the date members joined the community, there is now a first-class profile field for Join Date - this can be a specific date, just a month and year, just a year, or even a season like Summer 1998.

Birthday Selection

Members now don’t have to enter a full birthday for it to be valid, a month and year or month and date will be work as well.

Phone Social Apps

Members can now select how others can reach them through their phone numbers on WhatsApp, Telegram, iMessage, Signal, FB Messenger, and WeChat.

Minor Enhancements

  • Members now receive an email when they are made Community Admins with a link to the Admin Area and helpful resources
  • Better support for larger communities with over 1k members, but you should notice everything is a little bit faster across the whole app
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Member Directory Map View & Improved Exports

Member Directory Map View

A new way to see all your members around the world! See all or segments of members with their profile pictures placed on a map based on their current address. Members are also grouped as you zoom out so you can see where members are concentrated. When a member updates their address, they're automatically moved on the map as well.

Improved Exports

To add support for our friends in Europe, Unaty now supports comma-separated and semi-colon-separated member exports. You can also now choose which format dates should have based: US, German, French, Italian, UK, Spain, Canada, Sweden.

Bugs & Enhancements

  • When creating or editing a role, you can "quick assign" the role to yourself
  • Fixed a bug where select custom field values were not shown on the home screen
Monday, May 24, 2021
Data quality, custom community emojis, and a few bug fixes

Data Quality

Data integrity is our top priority and you can now take advantage of a few new features designed to help you keep all your member data up-to-date.

Two of the biggest problems we’re looking to solve with data quality today are 1) how to quantify data quality easily for the entire membership (and subsets) so baselines can be established and you have a point to work from and 2) on an individual member basis, how to know what the status of their profile is, especially important fields like contact information, and how to allow other members to contribute to improving data quality across the community.

Every member profile now has a data quality status (from best to worst):

  1. Up-to-date: Profile was updated in the last 6 months
  2. Updated this year: Profile was updated this year
  3. Outdated: Profile was updated over a year ago
  4. Warnings: Profile has been flagged by a member or admin
  5. Unknown: Profile has never been updated

Then we added a simple scoring system on top which calculates a score for your entire community of how up-to-date your member data is up to 100. This can be seen right in the member table in the admin view and is updated only for the members shown in the table currently, so it also works with smart views and any subsets/filters you set so you can easily divide and conquer updating member data. You could, for example, now create smart views for different membership subsets and assign each admin a subset of data they need to update and easily see progress based on the indicator at the top.

We also believe in crowdsourced (bottom-up) data management and have added new functionality to every member profile that allows members to flag important fields on other members’ profiles like their phone number, email, and address as no longer being correct. Members will then see the warnings on the profile until the member with the flagged information updates their information or dismisses the warning.

Community Emojis

We loved this member request last week to allow communities to have their own custom emojis for their logo or any symbols as well as custom reactions so now Community Admins can add custom emojis in the Community Settings > Customize. Any member can then use these while creating a group or a team as their icon. Square images in png format under 128KB work best, animated gifs also work!

Bug Fixes / Improvements

  • When sending to an email list on mobile the signature would be lost, that signature should now be coming through!
  • Attachments in email lists with moderator-only access were not being sent through to members and now are sent through.
  • Policies were not appearing for members in the overview
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Smart Views

Create and customize interesting and useful member directory views, then save them as a smart view so you can come back to that view later and share with other members. You can also quick copy the link to that view and pin it to the home screen, a group or role to make it really easy for members to find.

Sunday, April 25, 2021
Teams, Roles, and Home Screen updates

New Features

  • Admins can mark custom profile fields as important
  • Admins can convert a group into a team, teams can only have roles

Improvements / Bug Fixes

  • Fix the member directory view grouping issue where cards would be cut off
  • Fix drag and drop styling issues
  • Update Build Mode design

Up next

  • Send attachments with Composer
  • Improved Search
  • Community facts widget on home screen
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Public Email Lists & Design Improvements

New Features

  • Public Group email lists allow anyone to send an email to all the members of your group, valuable if you want to route emails outside the community to specific roles inside the community, for instance always sending membership requests to the current President and Membership Manager.

Improvements / Bug Fixes

  • New Group settings menu makes it faster and easier to manage moderators, group email list settings
  • New App Topbar within Communities and the Unaverse puts the most important links at the top of every page


  • Additional API Security with more complete input validation to ensure only allowed values come through the API
  • Added many new rich components to the styleguide for future use like Icon Tags, Color Selectors, Member Search Components, Button Shortcuts, Member Lists

Up next

  • Research adding support for email attachments
  • Add anonymous usage metrics to the app
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Drag and Drop File Upload & Directory Improvements

Files & Folders

No you can drag and drop up to 10 files in a folder for multi upload. Each file can be up to 20mb

External Website

welcome.getunaty.com is now live and will be the home for policies, our external marketing pages, the app changelog and more.

Directory Improvements

  • new blank option when filtering the table so you can only see members who haven’t filled in a custom field for example

Utility-first CSS Framework

To speed up future development and reduce the size of our app, we're now using a new styling library: https://tailwindcss.com/docs which is based creating classes for styling utilities for certain colors, spacing, looks, etc. Makes code cleaner and reusable while also reducing the size of the app.

Sunday, February 7, 2021
Directory Custom Field Filtering

Filter by custom select field types.